Patrons and Patronesses who subscribe to a Starpunk® Tier, autonomously earn Platinum™, the official premium currency used throughout the Starpunk® ecosystem. Whether you are gearing up for launch or eyeing exclusive merch, Platinum™ is your reward for making the 'Verse possible for us all.
Within 24 hours of your patronage, your Paypal and Patreon will be linked to your Ident, accessing all your invested Platinum™ and prestige rewards to kickstart your journey into the Black.
Thank you all for your support and patronage over the years, your humble crew will continue to find new ways to reward your faith and sacrifice in the Starpunk® project. We are all in this together!
STARPUNK® is a protected mark of the USPTO and USCO. Any entity bearing such mark WORLDWIDE for either commercial or recreational use as, including but not limited to, downloadable goods and media, non-downloadable services and media, publications and printed materials, clothing apparel, electronics, games, toys and accessories, artificial intelligence, centralized and decentralized currency, fungible and non-fungible tokens, constitutes willful intellectual property infringement and is strictly prohibited. Violators are subject to ongoing DMCA/TM takedown, and liable for any costs or damages.