Out here in the 'Verse, survival is the name of the game, and this here guide is your roadmap to the grind, the hustle, the scrape. It all starts in the wastetown of Eavesdown Docks, Persephone's last tether to civilization before the lawless frontier.
You're no hero, but you get an alias, a cut, your cache, and a tale to tell. Craft your birth, from your quirk-ridden homeworld to the spark of talent that sets you apart. Define your gifts, your scars, your grit. With nothing but scribbled backstories and scattered dreams, your place in this 'Verse begins even before you step out of your generation ship and into the fold.
In a life where nothing goes right, survival isn’t just about firepower, its about what you can hold onto. Your cache is your personal inventory, a persistent vault of wealth and assets that outlives any character you create. From the coin in your purse to the gear in your safe, everything here is yours to keep, no matter how much you kick. Here fortunes rise and fall, and your cache is the only thing that lasts.
The docks are bustling and the skies are calling, but your path won't clear itself. Stroll the spawning grounds and learn your keep. But before you can venture out into the Black, you'll need to pick your brand and take the iron. Four factions, four ways of life. From here, every job, every fight, every risk will unlock weight to your name as you iron up through the ranks of your guild.
Now its time to take to the skies, and no rider worth their salt does it without a boat to call their own. Pay your shiny new commission, or scavenge the pits and hold her together in the drydocks of Scrapper's Leg. It don't matter if she's a shiny new hull or a patchwork junker, she be all yours, and may she take you as far as your ambition dares.
Not the flying type? Rule your lordship with a Plex, your own orbital stead of commerce and power. Pay for a shiny new seal, or salvage from derelicts and assemble her at the nearby Silo. She's no Death Star, but she be all yours, and may she be a den of infamy for all to fear.
Everyone's bread and butter, jobs are the soul of the gameloop. Hunt them down, earn trust to land them, and hold tight as they pull you across the 'Verse. Whether its a daring heist or a routine haul, nothing ever goes as planned. But at the end of the chaos, lies the promise of pay. Maybe.
No one sails into the Black alone. You'll need a crew to share the spoils, and the burdens. Hire hands with the right gut, grip, and grit. They're no saints, they're broken, bruised, and often wanted by the law. But they're your crew. Treat them right, and together may you weather the storms, and scrape through by the skin of your teeth.
What you haul can make or break you. From livestock to fugitives, from goods to contraband, every crate carries risk and reward. Dodge inspections, and pray the law doesn't sniff out what's stashed in your hold. Each run is a gamble, and the stakes are always higher that they're worth.
The sweet taste of pay, though rarely clean and straightforward. From Platinum™ to loot, your haul determines your reward, and every caper leaves its mark. Learn the Rarity Index to know what's worth its weight, but beware, treasure to one could be an albatross to another. Count your coin, savor the spoils, gear up and keep flying.
What’s the true measure of a Regulator, a Lord, or a Rider? Not just the coin you take, but the rank you build. Every achievement earns more than a payday, it adds to your Brand XP, a tally of career progression within your faction. At certain milestones your alias will Iron Up, promoting you to greater influence and standing throughout the 'Verse.
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